Sessions Future Planning Survey

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Invitation to Dream and Engage in the life of PYM: 

Imagine an annual opportunity to live your faith in community. We call on PYM members and attenders to dream with us: when you picture an opportunity to come together with Friends, what is most important to you? What is exciting? What makes you want to be there? Your participation in this survey helps us plan the future of sessions together. Thank you for participating in this effort.
Annual Sessions
Why do we, as a yearly meeting, meet? For over 340 years, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Quakers have gathered at Annual Sessions to worship, tend to the business of the yearly meeting, and experience the joy of connection with new and old Friends. Today, we are asking you to contribute your thoughts and visions to the future of Sessions. Whether you have attended regularly or have not yet participated, your voice is important. 
From history to the future 
Annual Sessions is one of the oldest Quaker traditions! Today, all over the world, yearly meetings gather once a year to bring together members and attenders from their local meetings. Each yearly meeting does Sessions with a slightly different flavor; there’s no one right way to conduct this important event. 

Here in PYM, we’ve experimented over the years with when, where and how our sessions should unfold. We’ve added days in the spring and fall, called “Continuing Sessions” so that a whole year doesn’t go by without an opportunity for Friends to participate. 

In 2019, out of necessity, we moved to an entirely online gathering. Since then we’ve learned that for many Friends, having the ability to join from home made it possible for them to attend when they would not have otherwise. We have invested in developing a hybrid model of Sessions and will continue to grow in our use of this format. 

By sharing your thoughts, you’ll help shape the future of Annual Sessions and the ways we gather as a community of faith. Your contributions will guide how we foster connection, deepen our shared spiritual journey, and support each other in living our testimonies. This is also an opportunity to give back to your community and play a role in strengthening the spiritual life of PYM.


Onsite, Online and Hybrid Options Our world is shifting, and our community shifts with it. Technology has made it possible for Friends to participate online, and we anticipate that this will continue to be the chosen mode for many. For other Friends, attending onsite is essential to their experience. We want to hear from you: how will you be joining us? And how can we make that experience work for you? 

Where do we meet???

Venues and Accommodations 
We loved many things about college campuses. But is this still the best place for us? As we think about our population, we want to ensure that aging Friends, families with children and Friends with disabilities are comfortable with the accommodations. We want to hear from you: what kind of needs do you have in order to be comfortable? 
Onsite Experience

Online Experience

Program Priorities

What are the most important reasons that might factor into your decision to attend Annual Sessions? Is it opportunities for growth and learning (like workshops or keynotes), meeting for business, meeting for worship or unstructured time with Friends? How can PYM pique your interest and desire to participate? We want to hear from you: how do you want to spend your time at Sessions? 
Adult Programs 

Meeting for Business

Youth Programs


Continuing Sessions